Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy Tutoring Services
offers a comprehensive package of educational presentations and videos that cover all key aspects of cardiorespiratory physiotherapy care.
All the information is based on the latest research and best practice guidelines, ensuring you will be providing top quality care to your patients.
Whether you are an overseas trained physiotherapist working through the APC assessment process, a physiotherapist returning to the workforce after an extended break, or a new graduate wishing to consolidate your cardiorespiratory skills as you enter the workforce, you will find here all the information you need to confidently manage your cardiorespiratory patients.
Our content consists of presentations, videos and supporting documents that cover the theory underpinning cardiorespiratory care, translation of that theory into practice, and the application of assessment and treatment techniques.
Content is divided into three separate content modules that can be purchased individually or as part of a package, so you can individualise your learning experience to suit your own specific needs. Personal content support and mock exams are also available, and included in our premium packages.
With extensive knowledge in the cardiorespiratory physiotherapy field, we also offer corporate education or service development services to facilitate streamlined, high quality patient experiences. Contact us to discuss your specific requirements.
3 personalised tutoring sessions, and a mock exam by Cath, and I entered
my Cardiorespiratory exam in an ICU in Adelaide with confidence, and a
structure to follow, and PASSED!
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